Friday, July 15, 2016

Dealing with Emotional Baggage

With the amount of divorce that happens in our society it is no wonder why there are so many step families now.  Growing up in a step family can be difficult for the children, but it is often just as difficult for the step parent coming into the family.
I watched a video this week about some of problems that emotional baggage can cause in step families(and I've even venture to say it happens with other families as well).  This baggage can add an additional weight to a marriage and family that can be crushing without proper commitment.
I'm going to try to link the video at the end and hope that it works.  It is a little cheesy, but I think it does a good job of portraying the types of baggage that we can carry into a relationship.  So how do we deal with the baggage?
There were 3 tips that the video gave:

1. We need to be committed to deal with the problems
2. We can work on gaining the knowledge needed to deal with the problems.

3. We can work on developing the skills needed to succeed.

The work that is cut ahead of each of us will be difficult, but as we work on changing ourselves we will begin to build a better life for our children, step children, and spouse.  There is a lot of advice available to anyone seeking to better their relationships.  Just remember that the goal is to effectively communicate with your spouse and children to be better able to see what your family needs to do personally to improve.  Don't get discouraged.  Be patient and keep trying :)
(Please let me know if this video works for you.)

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